Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Product Launch - Mediabox-DM (Deal Memo Management)

We are excited to announce our deal memo management module--Mediabox-DM!

Mediabox-DM links to the Mediabox-PA (Product Approvals) system and regulates what types of projects a licensee can start based on current contractual rights. Mediabox-DM manages and tracks all deal memo terms, either automatically imported from third-party rights and royalty systems via integration or by direct data entry.

We are excited to release this Mediabox-DM deal memo module upgrade to Mediabox-PA, as it will further automate control over what projects a licensee can start while saving our customers the time and effort currently needed to manually check against a contract.  For the vast majority of Licensors who rely on spreadsheets to manage their contracts and deal terms, Mediabox-DM provides a more efficient and automated alternative to manually managing contract details and controlling product approvals, and serves as a solution-focused alternative to full-blown rights and royalty applications.

Read the more about Mediabox-DM here

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