Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pixel This

At Mediabox we like to take time to remind you about maximizing your experiences when working with digital assets—particularly high-resolutions images. Image quality is an important factor to consider, especially when uploading images to any Mediabox application.

When uploading images or artwork files on a new project or resubmission whenever possible upload high-resolution files that are 1,000 pixels wide or as close to this width as possible. This optimal resolution and pixel width will allow the Mediabox-PA (Product Approvals) and Mediabox-DAM (Digital Asset Management) software to generate a large and detailed preview image online so that the licensor can easily see the submitted artwork and any small details and will also help speed up the return of comments to you. The Mediabox-PA product approvals software will accept lower resolution and smaller pixel widths; however the preview image displays will not be optimized for viewing.

If you have questions about My Mediabox applications or would like more information about optimal file size and types please contact the Conecture Technologies Support Team at:

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