Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mediabox Team Spotlight: Trey Borland

We want to give our readers a chance to learn a little more about the My Mediabox team. Each month, for the remainder of the year, we are going to be featuring one of our fantastic employees in a blog post.

This month's Mediabox Team Spotlight is Trey Borland. You may have spoken with him on the phone if you have had any questions relating to Mediabox applications. Here is a little information on the guy behind the voice!

Cincinnati, Ohio

I have been working on the My Mediabox Support Team since February 2011. I provide Support to clients by responding to any requests, support calls or emails, configurations, or anything of the sort.

Favorite thing about living in Cincinnati: Having that mix of being a major city, but having the rolling hills and countryside just a few miles away.

Favorite Apps: Spotify, Pandora, People of Walmart, Words with Friends

Where can we find you on the weekends? I am probably attending one of many different kinds of sporting events (baseball, football, basketball, hockey) or playing softball or golf. I also like to hang out with friends, grill out, go to the casino, and spend time with my family.

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